Negotiation Plan on a Page #1
If the only negotiation planning that you did was to define the 'what 'and the 'how' it would be a start! The reality is that some negotiation planning gets lost in a sea of detail, and loses focus on the 'big picture'. I'm old fashioned and I like to print out the plan. The benefit is that I can keep eye contact with the other party, and scribble notes as they respond. If you prefer to keep things on a screen, great. But where are your eyes when the other party makes a counter proposal? When you are taking notes? Maybe delegate one team member to take notes, but make sure everyone is on the same page. Literally!
Here is a link to a simple negotiation plan on a page. It's nothing special, but it works at the table, as it allows you to see all the key information as an aide memoire while you are negotiating. Here are some simple tips:
Here is a link to a simple negotiation plan on a page. It's nothing special, but it works at the table, as it allows you to see all the key information as an aide memoire while you are negotiating. Here are some simple tips:
- Objective number; you will have a number of objectives, enter the number of each one
- Variable; what is the negotiable issue ? It might be term, the liability clause, the warranty period etc
- Session lead; who is leading this session?
- Marker; if the other party asks "what are you looking for?", what are you going to say?
- Agenda item; what agenda item is this issue?
- WOW!; what is the very best target outcome that you might possibly achieve on this variable
- 1% movement is worth?; enter a dollar value here if appropriate to give a sense of scale
- Realistic; what is the target outcome that you realistically expect to achieve on this variable
- Criticality to us?; Enter High, medium or low as appropriate. A reminder of the importance of this issue
- Walk away; what is the target outcome that you can just accept on this variable?
- Logic motivators; what are the facts, data and logic that support the other party moving towards your objective?
- Emotion motivators; how will you impact the other party's feelings towards you so that they move towards your objective?
- Bargaining; what are the concessions that you might exchange in order to help the other party move towards your objective?
- Compromise; what might be your concession behaviour if you move from your initial position to help achieve your objective?
- Power; what are the negative consequences that may help motivate the other party to move towards your objective?
- Notes; you can record in this section what transpired during the negotiation so that you have a record.